We have been experiencing such an intense acceleration of incoming solar and galactic energies as Gaia shifts in her frequency and moves through the galaxy. The Sun has been exceptionally active with solar flares and CMEs in the last years and it just continues to get more intense. As with everything, if we have fear around this, we will feed the timeline of fear and anchor that fear in our bodies. However, if we know in our heart, that we are part of this cosmic fabric of spacetime, then we have an innerstanding of this shift that’s happening and we will receive these upgrades with love and excitement. Of course, it is our physical bodies that are processing these energies…so part of the “receiving these energies” is actually taking responsibility for our physical vessels.
If you’re generally healthy and you’ve been experiencing strange symptoms like random headaches, fatigue, ears ringing, nausea…consider that perhaps nothing is wrong with you and you’re not ill, but your body is recalibrating to the increased energies entering the earths atmosphere. Find peace in taking rest and slowing down so your body can integrate these energies.
Find peace in knowing that you chose to be here at this spectacular time on the planet, because you knew that you are powerful enough to do this work of recalibration and ascension! Allow your light body to receive these solar codes so they may activate your blueprint for healing across all timelines and thriving in your mission of BE-ing on this planet.
Looking for discernment while navigating these waters? Settle down into your heart space. This is the bridge between our human bodies and the divine realm. Your heart has the wisdom because it knows this ancient cosmic coding. It is directly connected to Divine Source and it will guide you as you are navigating these new flows of cosmic energy.
And if you feel alone on this journey, speak to your ancestors ~ they are cheering you on. And know that there are so many of us like you! Activate your heart and step into the field where we can find each other!
From my Divine Heart to Yours
~ Valentina