I am an adventurer / dancer / healer / lover of the Earth / student and lover of life. I believe, we are all unique beings, living life in the best ways we know how. We are fragile, beautiful beings, with dynamic lives. My intention with bodywork has always been to facilitate individuals on their… Continue reading Welcome
Part Three: Soul Contracts, the Grandeur of our Exquisite Cosmic Architecture
Sometimes the agreement you made with another soul is that they would come to teach you how to love yourself.
Part Two: Kintsugi & Life Beyond the Phoenix
I was broken, and put myself back together, piece by piece…with golden intention and self-initiation, I forged myself back to life.
Part One: The Lioness is Out of Her Cage: Courage to Break the Silence & Poetry to the Gaslighting Narcissist I Loved
“I was going to tell you…after the baby was born.” said he. You are a wounded and broken man who broke me in all the places my family made cracks.
⚡️ P l a s m A ⚡️
We have been experiencing such an intense acceleration of incoming solar and galactic energies as Gaia shifts in her frequency and moves through the galaxy. The Sun has been exceptionally active with solar flares and CMEs in the last years and it just continues to get more intense. As with everything, if we have fear around… Continue reading ⚡️ P l a s m A ⚡️
Being the Portal
We danced for just over 26 hours, from one morning to the next, through the sunshine of a beautiful spring day and the darkness of the long night in between, to the next morning’s spring rains...when you finally entered this realm. The Call to Birth Siggi was in the shower early Saturday morning, and it… Continue reading Being the Portal
Winter Solstice 2020: Welcoming the Age of Aquarius
Originally posted in December 2020 on my previous website. Sunrise from Stonehenge, Feeling the Collective & Stepping through the Veil 03:45ADT Dec 21, 2020I was disappointed to see the forecast for Nova Scotia would be a huge rainstorm starting hours before sunrise. I had planned to go to a small beach facing East and overlooking… Continue reading Winter Solstice 2020: Welcoming the Age of Aquarius
10 Moons ~ 40 Weeks Part 2: Conscious Conception, a profound journey & becoming the portal for this sacred being’s birth.
This post was originally published in 2020 on my previous website. I grew a human! I. Grew. A. Human. I’ve had to repeat this to myself constantly. With Milo being Earthside, it’s sometimes hard to wrap my head around the enigmatic truth that he was once inside, growing - and together our bodies, knowing what… Continue reading 10 Moons ~ 40 Weeks Part 2: Conscious Conception, a profound journey & becoming the portal for this sacred being’s birth.
10 Moons ~ 40 Weeks Part 1: Conscious conception, a profound journey and becoming a portal for this sacred being’s birth.
This post was originally published in 2020 on my previous website. Pregnancy and birth aren’t just about giving birth at the end of this 10 moon cycle. It’s a journey during these 10 moons. Often we get asked how the birth went, and then, as time passes, the focus changes to the baby, forgetting how… Continue reading 10 Moons ~ 40 Weeks Part 1: Conscious conception, a profound journey and becoming a portal for this sacred being’s birth.
The Puff Puffs of Surrender
I’ve never written a piece like this...some humour and some real-ness of what my flow is like while I work with you. When I sat down to write this, I couldn’t actually remember what I wanted to write because the inspiration came from a treatment I gave on Sunday and it’s early Wednesday morning…and I… Continue reading The Puff Puffs of Surrender
The Gift of Expansion Through Death & Grief
Today my dad would have been turning 68. He left this Earth plane on December 2, 2021. It’s been five months since he’s been gone, but it feels like he’s been gone for years. I didn’t want to bring energy to his passing…for many reasons. This may be quite an unconventional post about the death… Continue reading The Gift of Expansion Through Death & Grief