My Mother, Marion Bernadette Philomena David Barber, died twenty years ago today. Sunday September 17, 2000. Today I honour her and the life she lived. The risks she took being an orphan and seeking education, her passion for living life; for food, for travel and for her family. I honour the lessons I’ve learned from… Continue reading Honouring my Mother ~ My Twenty Year Relationship with Death & Grief
Author: valentinavera
Time to S L O W D O W N
Nothing in nature blooms all year. Surrender to the darkness.Deep in their roots,this is there plants store their lightUnknown + Valentina Vera Decembers are usually intense with massage season being at its peak and feeling the bustle of the holidays. Even with loving boundaries in place for my own well-being, it is still a challenge… Continue reading Time to S L O W D O W N
Existing Beyond Duality
I write this not to stir and perpetuate the severe polarity that we are experiencing this year especially, but to shed light on welcoming different perspectives; to bring awareness to the simple fact that we each experience our reality differently to anyone outside of our individual self…so, this is merely one perspective of an infinity… Continue reading Existing Beyond Duality
And Now? Be the Change.
When I originally sat down to write this, I had more frustration and sadness in my heart. I sent my writing to a few friends of colour and while they might have supported my thoughts and writing, it still didn’t feel right to share something from a place of rage, frustration and blame. I knew… Continue reading And Now? Be the Change.
Grieving the Loss of Touch
In this time of great separation, isolation and restrictions I struggle with not being of service in the best way I know how - offering healing, caring touch and empowering wellness. My hands are grieving the people who may need touch right now: those who aren’t dealing with the current global situation in a positive… Continue reading Grieving the Loss of Touch
The Brave Hummingbird
In Spanish, colibrí translates to hummingbird. I admire the hummingbird. They are petite yet have an impact with their speedy little wings and silky colourful feathers. They are fierce fighters (when need be), but also have deeper representation in the animal and spirit world. I have been inspired by the hummingbird since many years ago… Continue reading The Brave Hummingbird
El Flamenco
Back in 2004 I lived on Edward Street in Halifax. Often I’d be on my way home from campus when I’d hear the thunderous stomping coming from Evelyn Benais’ home dance studio. Evelyn was the dancer who owned El Viento Flamenco dance company and school. She’s since moved to France, however, I did have the… Continue reading El Flamenco
The Roots of my Rhythm
I think my first dance memories come from my Mom and I singing and dancing around the house to Pakistani music. I only have a shadow of these memories, but they are still there. Hopefully, one day I can unlock the full picture and more. Other times include when my parents would dance to the… Continue reading The Roots of my Rhythm
I am an adventurer / dancer / healer / lover of the Earth / student and lover of life. I believe, we are all unique beings, living life in the best ways we know how. We are fragile, beautiful beings, with dynamic lives. My intention with bodywork has always been to facilitate individuals on their… Continue reading Welcome